Objectives :
- 학생들이 영어권에서 사용되는 이모티콘의 종류를 살펴보고, 우리 나라에서 사용되는 것들과의 차이를 발견한다.
- 이모티콘이 나타내는 감정과 관련된 단어를 익힌다.
Materials or aids :
- 참고 사이트 : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_emoticons
- Westen Emoticons
Icon Meaning :-) :) :o) :D :] :3 :c) :> =] 8) =) C:
smiley or happy face[1][2][3][4], version without colon common in Russia :-D :D XD 8D =D =3
laughing,[1][2] big grin, [3][4] :-( :( :c :< :[
frown[1][2][3][4] D: D8 D; D=
horror, disgust, sad [1][3][4] :-9
licking chops[1] ;-) ;) *) ;] ;D
wink[1][2][3][4] :-P :P :-p :p =p :-Þ :Þ :-b :b
tongue sticking out, cheeky/playful, blowing a raspberry[5][1][2] :-O :O 8O
surprise, shock, nondescript[5][1][2] :-/ :/ :\ =/ =\ :S
skeptical, annoyed, undecided, uneasy[5][1][2] :|
straight face[3], disgusted, grim, no expression[1] d:-) qB-)
cap, backwards cap (incorporating elements of the "shades" emoticon)[citation needed] :)~
Drooling[1] :-X :X :-# :#
sealed lips, embarrassed[5][1][2] O:-) 0:3 O:)
angel[1][2][3] innocent[5] :'( ;*(
crying[5][1] :-* :* ;*
kiss >:) >;) >:D
evil[3] B) B-) 8) 8-)
shades[5] D:< >:( D-:< >:-( :-@[1] ;( `_´ D<
angry, mad <3 <333
love, heart, lots of hearts \,,/ \m/
Rock on, sign of the horns[6] \m/\>.</\m/
Rock on, sign of the horns[6] used with an emoticon \o/
Praise, excitement, jumping for joy \o o/
Greeting, hello, goodbye, sieg heil \==D~~ `;*(
Salute o/\o
High five vi:) ^i:)
I'm With Stupid, Stupid's With Me @}-;-'---
Rose[2] \\_/
Washing clothes[2]
- Eastern emoticons
Icon Meaning d^_^b d-_-b listening to music, thumbs up[5] ;A; ;w; ;__; ;~; ;m; ;n; ;^; ;o; ;u; ;x; ;v; instances of crying (^_^) (^-^) (^ ^) (^.^) ??? smiley[5] (~_^) (^_~) ~.^ ^.~ wink[5] (>_<) (>.<) cartman[5] Ah Crap / dammit (>_>) (¬_¬) annoyed or rhetorical (-_-) ㅎ_ㅎ upset, not amused[5] (^o^) singing, laughing[5] (^3^) kiss[5] (^_^') ^_^_^') ^^" ^^^_.^') ^^_^^; ^&^^.^;& ^^^; ^^^7 nervous, sweat-drop, embarrassed[5] d(>w<)b double thumbs up q(;^;)p double thumbs down (;_;) (T_T) (T~T) (ToT) (T^T) ಥ_ಥ crying[5] (._.) (,_,) disappointed, bitter ಠ_ಠ σ_σ look of disapproval [(--)]ZZzzz... sleeping[5] (X_X) x_x dead or unconscious[5] 0.o O_o @_@ O_O ಠ_ಠ σ_σ [7][8] ಠ_ರೃ (*_*) Surprise or Disbelief. Not Amused. Look of Disapproval[5] ^///^ >///< >///> o///o -///- =///= Blushing, Embarrassed[5] ( °٢° ) drooling[5] _|_ (-.-) _|_ t(>.<t) (-_-),,|,, ┌∩┐(-_-)┌∩┐ Flipping Off[5] (V)!_!(V) Crab[5] Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Butterfly[5] ツ Smile[5] ʘ‿ʘ Innocent face [5] \m/*.*\m/ Rocker smiley O?O WHAT?!? [5] &_& Eye Roll [5] 0-0 Sweet! [5] (^^^) SHARK [5] (\_/) Bunny Ears B) Evil Face~ Happy B( Evil Face~ Unhappy X3 Super Happy :3 Mew! (Kitty/chibi face) x_O O_x Punched in the face
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