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Speaking volley ball game

처음에는 Dictation volley ball game이라고 이름지을까 했는 데.. 이름이 뭐 중요하겠습니까? : )

그리고, 천천히 영어로 블로깅도 해볼 생각입니다. 결국 '세계와 소통'하는 가장 쉬운 방법은 영어로 자신의 생각을 말하는 것이니까요.

아직 blogger.com 의 인터페이스에도 적응이 안되어서 어색하기도 하구요.

그러면서, 어제는 Google profile에도 제가 활동하는 것들 링크를 좀 정리해봤습니다. https://plus.google.com/105564246538501588783/about

I want to share an game-like activity that I made. The school where I am working at is Gimhae Language Foreign High School, so students are really interested in studying languages and their English is really great.

1. Name : Speaking Volleyball game

2. Use : To practice reading aloud and develop dictation skills

3. General procedures :

 A. Big picture : As the name tells, it is a volleyball-like game activity. Students will be in pairs. One person will be a server and the other a receiver. Reading a paragraph or some part of a paragraph is the way of attacking. The receiver should fill in the blanks in the given worksheet. When they can write all the words proper in the blanks after listening just one time, they win one point. But whenever they ask 'Please read one more time', they lose a point. Students, however, must be told that they should read the sentences with a loud enough voice and clear pronunciation.
Rough but Simple drawing by myself. : )

B. Procedures : It is pair work and needs two types of worksheets.

    1. A teacher should prepare worksheets that have the exact same content but blanks in different paragraphs. That is, student A's worksheet will have blanks in the 1st, 3rd and 5th paragraphs and student B's worksheet will have blanks in the 2nd, 4th, and 6th paragraphs. (Be sure to make the same number of blanks in each side's paragraph).
    2. One player starts serving(attacking), if a receiver complete the paragraph, they move on to the next paragraph and this time the former receiver becomes the attacker.
    3. The teacher can either give students a time limit or wait until all the pairs finish all the paragraphs, helping students having difficulties.

Note. To make this activity successful, the teacher should consider the level of English of each member in each pair in advance. And the teacher should make sure that all the students can read the given text. And the teacher can give them a small reward, such as candy. I used to give the winners two jelly beans, so the winner can share their prize with their pair.